An acclaimed mid-20th century play featuring internationally-recognized co-stars, helmed by an Oscar-winning director and produced by a prestigious Los Angeles theatre company. Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s what Nick...
The Los Angeles Drama Critic Circle (LADCC) is thrilled to introduce a “first” for its annual awards ceremony – the event will be broadcast online. Theater fans all over the world are invited to...
Featuring six Los Angeles premieres and the return of two blockbuster favorites, BROADWAY IN HOLLYWOOD (aka Nederlander Organization) is thrilled to announce their new Hollywood Pantages 2024-25 Season. Kimberly Akimbo...
Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s Sweeney Todd is my favorite musical. Its combination of a beautiful score, clever lyrics and unusually gruesome subject matter is sui generis. When it’s firing on all cylinders...
Performance dates have been extended thanks to popular demand! “I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter,” based on the #1 New York Times bestselling novel, by National Book Awards Finalist Erika l. Sánchez. Adapted for...