Tiny Father, written by Mike Lew, feels like one of those plays based on real events that the playwright feels compelled to illuminate. The story begins in a low-lit but sterile-looking hospital room. A man is nervously...
In D.W. Griffith’s 1919 feature film Broken Blossoms, a young girl, Lucy Burrows, is abused by her alcoholic prizefighting father, Battling Burrows. She meets Cheng Huan, a kind-hearted Chinese man who falls in...
Musicals can have many different formats, but the two most prevalent structures these days are the traditional and the jukebox. The traditional (incorporating Sondheim, because his changes are now part of the musical...
Both funny and poignant, American Mariachi is a beautiful one-act play full of vibrant music and heartfelt emotionality. Presented by The Latino Theater Company and now playing at The Los Angeles Theatre...
Creating a groundswell of support, a few years ago comedians from all over – DC, LA, and NYC – came together to fundraise for comedian Jason Sáenz after he fell through a skylight while on a date back in...