Making its world premiere at the 2018 Hollywood Fringe is The Witnessing, an immersive, multi-sensory theatrical experience that explores a shocking paranormal experience. As described on the Fringe site:...
Daniel Donohue and Eric Siegel, the stars of last year’s hilarious The New Bad Boys of Magic, are staggering back to the Hollywood Fringe to continue the story of their misbegotten magicians and to demonstrate...
The writer talks about the ghost shows of yore, their relevance in today’s society and its manifestation at the Fringe. Making its world premiere at the Fringe is the intriguing-sounding Dr. Zomba’s Ghost...
Now playing at Hollywood’s Pantages Theatre is School of Rock: The Musical—a kid-friendly stage adaptation of Richard Linklater’s 2003 musical comedy film that starred Jack Black. The show runs through May 27, 2018...
Making its world premiere at the 2018 Hollywood Fringe Fest is playwright Lucy Gillespie’s comedy Keeping Up With the Prozorovs — a mashup of Chekhov’s Three Sisters and the Kardashians’ reality show...