Since its launch in 2015, the renowned She NYC Arts has produced 21 full-length shows from women playwrights, earning praise for its commitment to discovering and cultivating some of the best up-and-coming talent in the...
Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts and For The Record announce the casting of For The Record: Tarantino which will now play six performances from July 12-15 in The Sorting Room – The Wallis’ popular...
La Bayadère was originally staged in four acts and seven tableaux by French choreographer Marius Petipa to the music of Ludwig Minkus. The ballet was staged especially for the benefit performance of the Russian Prima...
The clue is right there in the title—Long Day’s Journey Into Night is a serious undertaking (for actors and audience alike) thanks to its lengthy running time of three hours and 25 minutes, including an intermission...
Now playing at the Pantages in Hollywood until June 17 is The Color Purple – the Tony Award®-winning Broadway revival, directed and staged by John Doyle. The superb voices of the magnificent 21-strong cast...