Hero Theatre is presenting the world premier of Troy by playwright Amina Henry. Troy, a musical riff on The Trojan Women, chronicles the story of a single-mother struggling to save her family from homelessness amidst...
It was a well-heeled but raucous crowd at the Magic Castle last Saturday night in the Peller Room—one of the intimate, downstairs rooms with a low ceiling and raked seating for about 40 people. We were all there for a...
Legendary clown and physical actor Bill Irwin has crafted a delightfully wonderful solo-show devoted to the prose of existential playwright Samuel Beckett. Humbly inhabiting a sparse stage (just a few props, including a...
John Leguizamo in “Latin History for Morons.” Photo by Matthew Murphy. With his spiky, snarky observations and occasional profane language, John Leguizamo brings his style of comedy-infused and instructive solo-show...
Photo by Jaime Robledo. Sacred Fools has announced their first all-female co-Artistic Director team in the theater company’s history. Newly appointed is Vanessa Stewart, joining the other two women Adriana Colón and...