“A sad tale’s best for winter,” Shakespeare has one of his characters opine in his penultimate work, The Winter’s Tale, an odd duck of a play that’s mostly been overshadowed by his final one, The Tempest. Tale is often...
A new one-person show, performed by Kate Berlant, with performances through Feb 11. The name KATE looms omnipresent over the whole theatre. The sign over the box office has been changed from “TICKETS” to “TIKATES,”...
I’ll “X” your ex, if you pop my pop. Patricia Highsmith created the now-common and devious story trope of the ‘murder swap’ for her first chilling novel, Strangers on a Train. Published in 1950...
I find one-person shows one of the most difficult types of theatre to review, for several reasons. If the quality of the writing or performance isn’t good, there may be nothing but negative aspects to report, which is...
Although no year in which the Mark Taper Forum is at least temporarily shuttered and the Kirk Douglas Theatre’s programming is reduced can be said to be an entirely positive year for Los Angeles theater, 2023 made a...