The latest Star Wars installment, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, is big on the ‘wow’ factor, reminding us that the vivid worlds of this long-running franchise are ones that we love to return to, time and again...
“I adore monsters. I absolutely love them. Humans are repulsive!” So claims Guillermo del Toro, a filmmaker, novelist, artist who is known for his highly creative and imaginative fantasy and fairytale movies — fables...
::STOP PRESS:: Extended through Aug 8th Natsu Onoda Power’s delightful play, Astro Boy and the God of Comics, is making its West Coast debut at Sacred Fools in Hollywood. Producer Brian W. Wallis and director...
Three Los Angeles art institutions are joining forces to present a series of major exhibitions of German and American Cinema later this year. In Fall 2014, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and the Skirball...
Everyone’s favorite fire-breathing reptile is turning 60 this year. No, not Joan Rivers — she’s actually turning 81. We’re talking about Godzilla, the gargantuan radioactive lizard who first graced the cinema screen in...