The Hammer Museum presents the 10th Edition of MoMA Contenders, The Museum of Modern Art’s renowned series of influential, innovative films from the past 12 months. This year’s lineup includes a conversation with...
Noon to Midnight: Field Recordings is a 12-hour festival featuring live performances and art installations activating every corner of the Walt Disney Concert Hall campus on November 16, 2024. Presented by the LA Phil...
The next Western Arts Alliance Conference will be in Los Angeles, September 2-5, 2025. Arts reporter Brian Sonia-Wallace went down to San Diego this year to scope out the conference before it comes to town and bring...
Looking for some family fun this holidays? At the Santa Monica Playhouse the Family Theatre Musical Matinee series presents the return of All About Santa, a heart-warming tale of love and generosity, togetherness and...
Childlike in his innocence, but grotesque in form, mad scientist Dr. Frankenstein’s bewildered creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horror-struck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the...