Featuring six Los Angeles premieres and the return of two blockbuster favorites, BROADWAY IN HOLLYWOOD (aka Nederlander Organization) is thrilled to announce their new Hollywood Pantages 2024-25 Season. Kimberly Akimbo...
Barbie The Movie: In Concert is a musical experience featuring an all-women orchestra performing the award-winning score live-to-film. The event is happening this Summer at the Hollywood Bowl. The Los Angeles...
The astonishing modern dance company based in New York City, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater was founded in 1958 by choreographer and dancer Alvin Ailey. The company is made up of 32 dancers, led by artistic...
Jazz, Classical and more – discover the array of musicians coming to Boston Court Pasadena. More info here. BOX OFFICE – 626.683.6801EMAIL: BOXOFFICE@70 N MENTOR AVEPASADENA, CA 91106 Coming soon are two...
George Méliès was a French magician, actor, and film director who pioneered many technical and narrative innovations in the early days of cinema. He is widely regarded as one of the first filmmakers to use special...