The Santa Fe Opera presents its 19th World Premiere opening on July 13: The Righteous from collaborators composer Gregory Spears and librettist Tracy K. Smith. The piece explores the intersection between genuine faith...
A high point of every Summer, the Santa Fe Opera season is hugely anticipated each year. This year’s season reflects the Santa Fe Opera’s commitment to a diverse repertoire and promises a rich lineup across...
Giacomo Puccini’s lush and exotic Turandot is widely considered to be one of the grandest of grand operas. An opera in three acts, it was composed by Puccini to a libretto in Italian by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni...
Single tickets are now on sale for the Hollywood Bowl‘s spectacular summer season, to all LA Phil summer concerts and events. The Los Angeles Philharmonic has announced new updates about the Hollywood Bowl 2024...
The Industry is thrilled to announce an exciting lineup of conversations with the artists and creators of The Comet / Poppea, presented in partnership with MOCA and made possible by the John D. and Catherine T...