Featuring six Los Angeles premieres and the return of two blockbuster favorites, BROADWAY IN HOLLYWOOD (aka Nederlander Organization) is thrilled to announce their new Hollywood Pantages 2024-25 Season. Kimberly Akimbo...
Barbie The Movie: In Concert is a musical experience featuring an all-women orchestra performing the award-winning score live-to-film. The event is happening this Summer at the Hollywood Bowl. The Los Angeles...
Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s Sweeney Todd is my favorite musical. Its combination of a beautiful score, clever lyrics and unusually gruesome subject matter is sui generis. When it’s firing on all cylinders...
::STOP PRESS:: Season SOLD OUT NEW DATES ADDED The hilarious #1 New York Times bestselling picture book comes to life on stage in a world premiere musical. Grumpy Monkey, The Musical, adapted from the New...
Fireworks! Live music! Starlight! Fresh air and good company… What’s not to love about Summertime concerts at L.A.’s magnificent and elegant Hollywood Bowl amphitheater? Los Angeles Philharmonic has...