A highly acclaimed composer and conductor, also pianist and trombonist, John Williams has composed some of the most popular, recognizable, and critically acclaimed film scores in cinematic history throughout a career...
Botman comic by Jeffrey Edward Peters Comic Heroes! You’re invited to the Danger Arcade Launch Party on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 from 5-8PM PDT at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach. Be there when the new Danger...
Making its West Coast Premiere, for four performances only early September, is Birds in the Moon, a mobile, theatrical chamber opera by Mark Grey and Júlia Canosa i Serra. This new work features mezzo-soprano, male...
Enjoy the remaining weeks of balmy summer evenings here in Southern California at these upcoming events at the Skirball, The Ford, and the Levitt Pavilion. Sunset Concerts at the Skirball Cultural Center – The Delirians...
Legendary Brazilian bandleader Sergio Mendes headlines the Hollywood Bowl this Sunday evening, bringing a festive “Carnival” spirit and celebration to L.A. The Carnival of Brazil is an annual Brazilian...