The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures continues their devotion to the movie industry, and its storied history, with their upcoming film screening series. In addition to their ongoing series—Available Space, Branch...
The Soraya in Northridge is staging some intimate jazz concerts this month. WHAT IS JAZZ CLUB? The Soraya puts you right in the middle of the action. Enjoy a drink at a prime table, or wander through the crowd to...
A thrilling collaboration has been announced. L.A.’s Latino Theater Company has forged a new partnership with L.A. Mission College to launch Theater 285 – Directed Studies, set to be taught by legendary UCLA...
A spectacular opening last night at the Shrine launched the appearance of Iceland’s most famous human, singer and techno-eco-feminist-utopianist Björk—presently here in the States for her vivid and dreamy West Coast...
Hollywood’s legendary El Capitan Theatre, which is presenting Disney’s “Encanto” now through December 5th, will offer a special Spanish language screening of the film on Sunday, December 5th, 2021 at 4:00pm. ¡Mira a...