I actually feel lucky to have survived a recent visit to the film set of Straight Outta Compton. The upcoming biopic dramatizes the mid-to-late eighties rise of the groundbreaking rap group N. W. A, and has been beset...
The Los Angeles Virtuosi Orchestra envisions a world in which every young person has access to music education. LA Virtuosi is Carlo Ponti’s totally non-profit orchestra supporting arts education in the schools. Maestro...
Playwright Allen Barton discusses his new play Disconnection with Pauline Adamek for the critical website Stage Raw. Happy reading! Writer-director (and classical pianist) Allen Barton gained critical...
Josefina López has made numerous valuable contributions to Latino culture. You can see it in her theatre and filmic writing, in Casa 0101, a Chicano-theatre she founded in her beloved East Los Angeles community of Boyle...
A showbiz couple and their family of rescue pups delight in an exquisitely appointed hilltop home in Sherman Oaks. As you drive up the winding streets off rustic Benedict Canyon, it is easy to feel like you are in a...