Enjoy some classic folk rock under the stars with a legend. The Los Angeles Philharmonic announced today four special concerts featuring Neil Young at The Ford, July 1, 2, 4, and 5. The renowned artist pulls from his...
Summertime is finally here and The LA Phil continues to champion film music in the picturesque setting of The Ford and LA’s biggest outdoor theater, the Hollywood Bowl. Presentations include full films with orchestra...
Photographer Deb Smith @modmixtress couples with artist @lindafeltvillage to create a one-of-a-kind exhbition of felt and photography. Their whimsical art works are available for viewing (and sale!) at The Bag art...
Experiencing TINA – The Tina Turner Musical a mere few weeks after this iconic legend had passed away proved an incredibly moving experience, and it left me feeling both inspired and heartbroken. Pictured above:...
The electrifying Tony-Winning new musical phenomenon SIX by Tony Award®-Winners Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, is pleased to announce a digital lottery ticket policy in Los Angeles where...