Yippee Ki-Yay, Father Christmas! High above the city of L.A. a team of terrorists has seized a building, taken hostages, and declared war. One man has managed to escape. An off-duty cop hiding somewhere inside...
Broadway in Hollywood is thrilled to announce that L.A.’s most popular musical – WICKED – will return to Los Angeles at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre for a limited nine-week run across the 2024...
According to actor Tom Hanks, the American Film Institute (AFI) is “one of the greatest institutions in the world.” The deep love of cinema amongst the attendees and movie goers and the shared celebration is...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is excited to introduce two new exhibitions: “Color in Motion,” an immersive journey into the transformative power of color in film, curated by Jessica Neville and team...
Drácula, the 1931 Spanish-language film, is a notable adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic novel. It was produced by Universal Pictures and released concurrently with the more famous English-language version...