The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is excited to introduce two new exhibitions: “Color in Motion,” an immersive journey into the transformative power of color in film, curated by Jessica Neville and team...
Drácula, the 1931 Spanish-language film, is a notable adaptation of Bram Stoker’s classic novel. It was produced by Universal Pictures and released concurrently with the more famous English-language version...
The team of researchers and art experts at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles have collaborated with officials in Türkiye to arrange the return of this valuable and historical object – rare archaeological artifact...
Old California is known for its retro-style lighting fixtures and fine home goods. The company look to the past for inspiration, and so their product design is informed by giants in the annals of architecture and design...
Beautifully written by Philip W. Chung, Unbroken Blossoms is a new play that drops us into Hollywood during the late teens. Still wounded from the criticism and accusations of racism for his ambitious spectacle, the...