The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is excited to introduce two new exhibitions: “Color in Motion,” an immersive journey into the transformative power of color in film, curated by Jessica Neville and team...
The team of researchers and art experts at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles have collaborated with officials in Türkiye to arrange the return of this valuable and historical object – rare archaeological artifact...
Arts Bridging the Gap presents a Community Paint Day – happening on SATURDAY, August 10. Join the crew and do your part to help paint their mural designed by the sixth graders at Grant Elementary School and ABG...
Camille Claudel was a pioneering French sculptor whose work spanned the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Known for her figurative works in bronze and marble, she created her sculptures in a period when women were...
German Renaissance painter and printmaker in woodcut and engraving, Lucas Cranach the Elder painted some of the most seductive images of the early 16th century. Of note are two nearly life-size 16th-century wood panel...