Two bickering brothers plot the perfect murder in this dark crime thriller from Australia. The new Australian film Brothers’ Nest is a cleverly constructed, bleakly humorous crime thriller that stars real-life...
The producers of ‘Heavy Trip’ talk about the making of first Finnish comedy to premiere at SXSW. Touted as the first Finnish comedy ever to premiere at SXSW, Heavy Trip is the story of a group of best friends who are...
The new anthology thriller, Field Guide to Evil, is comprised of eight chilling tales from acclaimed international directors, with each story drawn from their countries of origin. They’re all visually compelling...
The documentary filmmaker’s first narrative feature is an exciting true crime caper. Based on an audaciously true story, American Animals is both terrifically entertaining and superbly performed by a strong cast...
Boundaries, the new comedy from writer/director Shana Feste (Country Strong) is a familiar family road trip story buoyed by a terrific cast and lots of offbeat humor. At the South by Southwest Film Festival (the annual...