As the beloved Disney animated feature film Aladdin celebrates its 30th Anniversary, The Soraya offers a trio of Disney favorites this Spring. March 25: Disney in Concert: Aladdin, 30th Anniversary April 2: A Whole New...
Winner of the award for “Best Web Project” at the Hollywood Reel Independent Film Festival (HRIFF) Iron Nest of the Moon makes its world premier on Wednesday, Mar 1, 2023 at 6PM at the Regal Cinemas / L.A. Live in DTLA...
Beloved Star Wars™ characters and themes have been given a burlesque makeover, and the resulting live spectacular is as hilarious and amazing as it sounds! Now playing in Hollywood at the elegant Montalbán...
Announcing an exciting new release for all film enthusiasts! In celebration of Sony Pictures Classics’ 30-year anniversary, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is proud to bring eleven of their acclaimed library favorites...