The story of Vivian Maier and her extraordinary body of photographic works is both compelling for its personal viewpoints as much as her innate ability to capture nostalgic moments of bygone eras. Unearthed by John...
World renowned opera stars KELLY O.CONNER as Carmen, CHARLES CASTRONOVO as Don Jose, VANESSA VASQUEZ as Micaela, and special guest star ROD GILFRY as Escamillo will appear in The Opera Buffs Gala Fund Raiser concert...
The Grammy-nominated Northwest Boychoir, under the leadership of its music director, Joseph Crnko, will present a free-admission concert on July 15 at La Cañada Presbyterian Church. Admission to the concert is free, yet...
Tony Bennett & Dudamel perform with the Los Angeles Philharmonic and Gustavo Dudamel, Conductor. Friday, July 14, 2017 Saturday July 15, 2017 8:00pm Hollywood Bowl After opening selections from Gustavo Dudamel and...
Blondie • Garbage • Sky Ferreira Sunday July 9, 2017 7:00pm Hollywood Bowl In the ultimate co-bill, two highly influential forces of nature – Blondie and Garbage – rock the stage with their timeless sounds of...