Witness a global dance event, live-streamed across the planet. Night of 100 Solos—the largest Cunningham event ever staged—will take place on three International stages—Royce Hall (Los Angeles), the Barbican (London)...
2019 marks three distinct anniversaries for The Montalbán, a theater with a rich history in the heart of Hollywood. The building itself first opened its doors in 1927 (view this slideshow to see how the venue has been...
Trip Hop on the Rooftop! Surround Sound Headphones! Multi-DJ’s!!! Since Massive Attack had to postpone their L.A. gig until September, the gang at The Montalbán decided to still celebrate great music since...
SWAN Day—SUPPORT WOMEN ARTISTS NOW Day! Support Women Artists Now Day/SWAN Day is an annual international celebration of women’s creativity and gender parity activism, which was co-founded by Martha Richards of...
F E R O C I O U S femmes! Featuring some of the sexiest, most luscious dancers around, Cherry Boom Boom is back by popular demand. Lindsley Allen’s très chic and très slick rockin’ burlesque show features the sizzling...