The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures continues their devotion to the movie industry, and its storied history, with their upcoming film screening series. In addition to their ongoing series—Available Space, Branch...
“He said to me—‘We should be making art together.’” Stuart C. Paul’s new feature-length documentary Ink & Linda chronicles an unexpected friendship that develops between two diverse artists...
Hollywood’s legendary El Capitan Theatre, which is presenting Disney’s “Encanto” now through December 5th, will offer a special Spanish language screening of the film on Sunday, December 5th, 2021 at 4:00pm. ¡Mira a...
Calling all cultural aficionadi and scholars! You’re invited to experience a rare opportunity for a deep dive into Persian culture—one that is rich with antiquity and mythology. Bearing a complicated history, today...
From the press release: “The Theatre Raymond Kabbaz (TRK) proudly presents the City of Immortals, a new festival celebrating the immortality of the arts inspired by the great artists buried in the historic Père...