Cultural art gallery, The LA Art Box (The LAAB), in partnership with Parangal Dance Company, is pleased to announce Belonging, a collaborative showcase of Filipino American creatives through their own visual narratives...
Summertime means enjoying movies under the stars! The popular outdoor summer movie series returns to The Montalbán’s rooftop oasis in the heart of Hollywood. The chic, elevated venue is outfitted with a bar, concession...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures continues their devotion to the movie industry, and its storied history, with their upcoming film screening series. In addition to their ongoing series—Available Space, Branch...
From the press release: “The Theatre Raymond Kabbaz (TRK) proudly presents the City of Immortals, a new festival celebrating the immortality of the arts inspired by the great artists buried in the historic Père...
So my first large audience theatre experience since being fully vaccinated featured women sporting two-foot-long phalluses singing Liza Minnelli songs in a Greek amphitheater on the grounds of the Getty Villa. Perhaps...