Created by famed Australian film, TV, theatre, and publishing maverick, Russall S. Beattie—the visionary who brought us The Empire Strips Back—is a new show The Batette Follies of 1936. This sexy show is an...
Fireworks! Live music! Starlight! Fresh air and good company… What’s not to love about Summertime concerts at L.A.’s magnificent and elegant Hollywood Bowl amphitheater? Los Angeles Philharmonic has...
Dr. Seuss’ HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS! The Musical will return to the Hollywood Pantages Theatre this WHOliday season for 17 performances only from December 6 – 17, 2023. Dr. Seuss’ HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS...
Celebrating 100 Years of the Walt Disney Company, a special concert is happening at the Soraya on Saturday November 18, 2023, with two performances: one at 3PM and the other at 8PM. Disney In Concert – “The...
Virtuosi in recital! The Los Angeles Philharmonic 2023/24 season is chock-full of exciting concerts and celebrity artist appearances. The following season’s highlights will be performed at the WALT DISNEY CONCERT...