Magic is literally in the air at the Woodlawn this holiday season with its terrific production of the beloved Broadway musical. The most well-known musical version of J. M. Barrie’s magical character, Peter Pan...
With his impish smile and boyish, childlike glee, artist Michel Laprise comes across as a fun and genial person with a vast imagination. But the creator (writer and director) of KURIOS – Cabinet of Curiosities™ — the...
An Interview with star Ginger Minj and Director Greg Hinojosa. by Kurt Gardner. Every year, when Halloween rolls around, the Deco District’s Woodlawn Theatre brings Frank-N-Furter and his gang back to roaring...
Everyone has a story to tell — even kids! Story Pirates bring their all-ages sketch-comedy musical magic to Smothers Theatre at Pepperdine University on Saturday, October 10 at 11 a.m. While many children’s...
World class ballet dancers, top flight wines, seasoned jazz musicians, divine fare from fine restaurants — even on this, its final weekend, the Napa Valley Festival del Sole 2015, continues to impress with the...