The Los Angeles Drama Critic Circle (LADCC) is thrilled to introduce a “first” for its annual awards ceremony – the event will be broadcast online. Theater fans all over the world are invited to...
Honorees have been announced! The annual benefit for Celebration Theatre will be held at Los Angeles LGBT Center. This year will honor creative heroes of the arts community, notably artists Boni Alvarez, Socks...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures continues their devotion to the movie industry, and its storied history, with their upcoming film screening series. In addition to their ongoing series—Available Space, Branch...
“The old woman and the soap bubble.” That’s how lead architect Renzo Piano describes the newly opened Academy Museum on Wilshire, dedicated to the art of filmmaking and 120+ years of ideas, inspiration...
Tickets are now available for advance purchase for visiting the Academy Museum, set to open in September. Timed tickets can be pre-purchased, while tickets to the Academy Museums numerous film screenings or public...