Hello dear readers!
This week my theater review for the LA Weekly is of Silent Witnesses, the solo show about a group of holocaust child survivors — now playing at the Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks.
Silent Witnesses
After surviving internment in a Nazi death camp as a child, Stephanie Satie found that her grim experiences were eclipsed by survivors who lived through camps as adults, because they were viewed as higher up in the “hierarchy of suffering.” The cultural revolution of 1970s prompted an era of self-exploration and brought three other child-survivors to her therapy door. The quartet of women regularly met to relate their “forbidden” stories, which had been buried for years.
To read the remainder of this review, go here to the LA Weekly’s theater page (and scroll down a bit).
13500 Ventura Blvd.,
Sherman Oaks;
Sun., 7:30 p.m.
(800) 838-3006