Gentle readers! This week my theater review for the LA Weekly is of Conversations ’Bout The Girls, now playing at Greenway Court Theatre on Fairfax in Los Angeles.
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Happy reading!
Conversations ’Bout The Girls
Not so much a play as a collection of lightly dramatized reminiscences, monologues and brief scenes, each highlighting different aspects of the feminine experience, Conversations ’Bout The Girls has ten women of various shapes, sizes and color sharing life experiences centering on the theme of breasts. Written, directed and produced by actor Sonia Jackson (who also performs), these are mostly light hearted and uplifting stories related in a similar vein to The Vagina Monologues. Although the subject matter touches on the terrifying ordeal of breast cancer and domestic violence, it’s nowhere near as dark as Eve Ensler’s classic.
Cast members Taffy Wallace, Kathlyn Miles, Jaelyn Jones, Aliki Pappas, Lynndi Scott, Lauren Baker, Aigner Edgerson, Josefa Salinas, Satya Vanii and Jackson compare notes on the numerous nicknames for breasts (apparently there are 46), share awkward memories of puberty and laugh about the day they got their first bra.
While celebratory and empowering, the amateur acting and lack of charisma makes it feel like a slow night.
Five dollars from every ticket sold benefits the Los Angeles County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Conversations ’Bout The Girls
Fridays, Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sundays, 7 p.m.
Continues through May 19, 2013.
544 N. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles