I”™m not sure why the Eclectic Company Theatre, in NoHo is staging a Thanksgiving themed play in May, but what the hey. Turkey Day is written by Jeff Folschinsky and directed by Taylor Ashbrook, and this funny one-acter is currently playing for one more week.
Bruce (Fuz Edwards) and Buffy (Laura Lee Bahr) are a childless couple who are besotted with each other, to the point of frequently addressing each other with sickeningly sweet pet names “Pookie Bear” (her to him) and “Love Muffin.” Resplendent in a pink dress teamed with pearls and a frilly apron, squeaky-voiced Buffy personifies the perfect Betty Crocker 50s housewife. The hopelessly domestic pair nervously await the first visit of Bruce”™s parents (Biff Wiff and Judy Nazemetz) as well as Buffy”™s bitchy rocker sister Beatrice (Erin Treanor) and her lecherous and loathsome paunchy husband Ernie (Mark Bate) and emo teen son Edgar (Tyler Stevens).
Naturally, it turns out to be an eventful day where the expected roster of family secrets is revealed and disaster unfolds. Can there possibly be a happy ending? Turkey Day is, after all, a comedy.
Mommy”™s entrance is an absolute classic! Playing Bruce”™s Mom, Judy Nazemetz steals the show as a manic, cross-eyed gorgon with a blonde frizzy perm. Folschinsky”™s script is full of expert put-downs and outrageous jabs such as Mommy”™s dismissive insult to her husband, “Why don”™t you eat crap?” His cheerful retort – “According to the court order, I don”™t have to do that any more!” It”™s silly and funny stuff.

Sudden death, bondage, questions of parentage and demonic possession — with his play Turkey Day, playwright Jeff Folschinsky explores all kinds of family horrors in pursuit of the funniest concoction he can imagine. This play that puts the “˜fun”™ in “˜dysfunction.”™
Eclectic Company Theatre”™s Turkey Day is only playing for one more week, so don”™t miss out!
Located at: 5312 Laurel Canyon Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91607
Runs until Sunday, May 16th, 2010.
Performances – Fri. & Sat. at 8:00pm, Sun. at 7:00pm.
Tickets: Only $15.00
Call (818) 508-3003 for reservations.
Review by Pauline Adamek